Thursday, January 14, 2016

Powerball Relief

Thank goodness the $1.5 billion Powerball went to ticket holders hundreds -- in one case thousands -- of miles from here.

We can continue to live our lives in quiet rather than raucous desperation. It's so much better to worry about making ends meet than to worry that if we splurge on a yacht or a condo in Cannes we might be down to our last $900 million.

I bought two tickets -- I only buy when the prize approaches gazillion -- and I can report that not one number on either ticket matched any of the winning number that were drawn. So much for financial planning.

It keeps my losing streak generally intact. I did win $4 in Powerball once but the ticket was lost in a general den cleanup before I was able to redeem it.

Owing to our good fortune, I won't have to seek out a tax lawyer to figure out how to deal with the Feds or consult with my financial planner (not much finance, not much plan) about how to seek out safe but lucrative investments. That way, I won't have to watch the hundreds of millions erode to $899 million. I hate that "broke" feeling.

I pity the winners.

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